The Heart Nebula

The Heart Nebula, 7500 light-years from the Earth.
The heart of this Heart is a globular cluster named Melotte 15.
The typical red color comes from ionized hydrogen clouds lit by the nearby stars.
This picture was taken from my Montréal backyard with a 2" telescope in a 2 hour session. Add to that a bit of equipment of course...
First image is processed with standard colors while the second uses the Hubble palette.
Target Name The Heart Nebula
Reference IC 1805
More info
Conditions Date Dec 4th 2021
Location Montréal
Bortle 9
Exterior Temp -1° C
Seeing Bad
Equipment Optics Redcat 51mm
Main Camera ASI294MC Pro
Filter Optolong L-Extreme
Mount: iOptron GEM28
Guide Scope Orion 50/126mm
Guide camera ZWO ASI120MM mini
Automation Control ASIair PLUS
Autofocus ZWO EAF
Shots # of shots 21
Exposure time per shot 300s
Total integration 1 hr 45 min
Calibration 30x darks (-10°C, 300s) + 30x flats darks (-10°C, 2,9s) + 30x flats (-10°C, 2,9s)
Processing Software Pixinsight 1.18
Processes WeightedBatchPreprocessing, DynamicCrop, PhotometricColorCalibration, SCNR, EZ Denoise Curves, Saturation, Dave Watson's StarReduction, Autoscript LocalEnhanceDetail
Copyright Author Fabrice Lamidey
License Creative Commons : Attribution, No Commercial Use (CC BY-NC)