The Pac-Man Nebula

The Pac-Man Nebula in Cassiopeia constellation
Moving away from out two Soul and Heart sisters towards Cassiopeia, we find this hungry little guy, NGC 281, better known as the Pac-Man Nebula.
Located in the Perseus arm of our own galaxy, it is a bright emission nebula, among an H II region, which means the hydrogen gas is ionized and, thanks to the strong radiation from the starts at its core, emits this beautiful glow for us to behold.
Target Name The Pac-Man Nebula
Reference NGC 281
More info
Conditions Date Dec 14th 2021
Location Montréal
Bortle 9
Exterior Temp -4° C
Seeing Bad
Equipment Optics Redcat 51mm
Main Camera ASI294MC Pro
Filter Optolong L-Extreme
Mount: iOptron GEM28
Guide Scope Orion 50/126mm
Guide camera ZWO ASI120MM mini
Automation Control ASIair PLUS
Autofocus ZWO EAF
Shots # of shots 27
Exposure time per shot 300s
Total integration 2 hrs 15 min 0 sec
Calibration 30x darks (-10°C, 300s) + 30x flats darks (-10°C, 4,8s) + 30x flats (-10°C, 4,8s)
Processing Software Pixinsight 1.18
Processes WeightedBatchPreprocessing, DynamicCrop, PhotometricColorCalibration, SCNR, EZ Decon, EZ Denoise, Autoscript LocalEnhanceDetail, Darkness Enhance Detail
Copyright Author Fabrice Lamidey
License Creative Commons : Attribution, No Commercial Use (CC BY-NC)