Rosette Nebula

Rosette Nebula
After weeks of cloudy weather, we jump to a new region of the Milky Way to image the Rosette Nebula, with its intriguing structure reminding us of some star gate. Know under the references Caldwell 49 or SH2-275, it isn HII region some 5000 light years away.
At the center of the Nebula are some young stars, whose temperature (30 000°) blast the surround gas clouds with intense UV rays.
Réduits à l’état de simples protons, ces atomes ont le bon goût d’émettre cette lumière quasi irréelle qui nous parvient, émise alors que les humains du néolithique s’affairaient à ériger Stonehenge.
A version of the Rosette Nebula using the Hubble color palette
The unicorn constellation (Monoceros) according to British cartographer Sidney Hall - 1824
Target Name Rosette Nebula
Reference SH2 275
More info
Conditions Date 23 janvier 2022
Location Montréal
Bortle 9
Exterior Temp -10° C
Seeing Moyen
Equipment Optics Redcat 51mm
Main Camera ASI294MC Pro
Filter Optolong L-Extreme
Mount: iOptron GEM28
Guide Scope Orion 50/126mm
Guide camera ZWO ASI120MM mini
Automation Control ASIair PLUS
Autofocus ZWO EAF
Shots # of shots 169
Exposure time per shot 30s
Total integration 1 hr 24 min 30 sec
Calibration 30x darks (-10°C, 300s) + 30x flats darks (-10°C, 4,8s) + 30x flats (-10°C, 4,8s)
Processing Software Pixinsight 1.18
Processes WeightedBatchPreprocessing, DynamicCrop, PhotometricColorCalibration, SCNR, EZ Decon, EZ Denoise, Autoscript LocalEnhanceDetail, Darkness Enhance Detail
Copyright Author Fabrice Lamidey
License Creative Commons : Attribution, No Commercial Use (CC BY-NC)