Pelican Nebula (IC5070)

The Pelican Nebula in Hubble style color palette

We are back into spectacular nebula territory with the Pelican Nebula. It is bursting with hot and cold gases, dust particle fronts, ionized gases and newly formed stars.
The image was treated in the Hubble color palette style, perfect for high contrast regions like this one.
Emissions are colored in blue and red rather than simpler shades of red.
If you want to see the said Pelican, turn the image 90° and look for its eye and long beak.
The blinding star nearby is the well known Deneb, the head of the Cygnus constellation.

A detail of the Pelican Nebula: dust particles pillars and gaz fronts

Target Name Pelican Nebula
Reference IC5070
More info
Conditions Date May 24th 2022
Location Montréal
Bortle 9
Exterior Temp 16° C
Seeing Bon
Equipment Optics Skywatcher 200/1000mm (Newtonian)
Main Camera ASI294MC Pro
Filter Optolong L-Extreme
Mount: EQ6-R Pro
Guide Scope Orion 50/162mm
Guide camera ZWO ASI120MM mini
Automation Control N.I.N.A / PHD2 / EQAscom
Autofocus ZWO EAF
Shots # of shots 98
Exposure time per shot 120s
Total integration 3 hr 16 min
Calibration 20x darks (-10°C, 120s)
Processing Software Pixinsight 1.8.9
Processes WeightedBatchPreprocessing, DynamicCrop, PhotometricColorCalibration, SCNR, EZ Decon, StarXTerminator, EZ SoftStrech, NoiseXTerminator, Autoscript LocalEnhanceDetail, Darkness Enhance Detail Hubble method based on the one by @lukomatico
Copyright Author Fabrice Lamidey
License Creative Commons : Attribution, No Commercial Use (CC BY-NC)